None of this precludes engagement along diplomatic fronts, which ADDS pressure and flexibility to our approach. In fact, I’d suggest that a rigorous diplomatic program serves important intelligence and international relations functions, agreements are only a part of the picture. Might be in our interest to conduct negotiations but never ‘agree’.
Finally, surveyor: you win “DOUCHEBAG of the DAY”!
“It is an article of faith for Obama, and many others on the left in the U.S. and abroad, that it is the United States that is mostly responsible for the world’s ills.”.
Huh? Right. Whatever. Good reminder to me why I’m not a Republican anymore. Most of us, we see through the lying partisanship and talking points. We’re not dumb. So keep spewing like a DOUCHEBAG… Every outburst helps the cause. Can’t wait for November.
PS. Spectator sports, I don’t like Hillary (or Bill for that matter), but it might have been fun to watch all the right-wing nutjobs squirm through a Hillary presidency…