Nodunk – Everyone has different impressions of downtown. There is also a fair amount of variability to select from in that area, places like Little Italy, East Village, etc… The one facet that holds true is that downtown is definitely getting hit as hard as any of the locales in San Diego. Don’t get scared because one guy shows a picture of a bum sleeping on the street. Yes there are bums but there are bums in nice coastal areas as well as downtown areas. With that said, I feel that downtown condos have a ways to go. That 800k condo you are thinking about will most likely be in the 700’s next summer and will be less then that in 2 years. The trends do not lie and there really is no reason to doubt that they will not continue. My recommendation would be to rent a place downtown to get the feel for it next year, see if you do REALLY like it down there or not. Then in 2009 or 2010 snap up a great deal.