[quote=nocommonsense]”BTW: If you can’t even spell Mello-Roos, you shouldn’t be signing a contract obligating yourself to pay it. ”
Hahaa, that’s funny. I agree with you one should thougroughly understand what he’s paying. I know that the Mello-Roos is over $4K a year and will be paid for 26 and 30 years, with an anual increase of ~2%. The sad part is no matter how well or badly one understands M-R, there’s no way to avoid it in that area.
I’d put a large percentage down so there’s no PMI. The roughly estimated monthly payment with everything include comes at about low 40% of my income.[/quote]
Maybe see if the seller will pay off the Mello-Roos? Not common at all, but certainly worth a try, IMHO.