[quote=nocommonsense]3)11.9% for “Married with 2 kids”? I have more children and I pay much more taxes than 12%.[/quote]
Do you own a home, contribute to a 401(k)/IRA, and itemize deductions? If so, 12% is about right. My tax rate last year was 10%, and I’m in a similar situation.
[quote=nocommonsense]4) By the way, income tax is only one of the many taxes we pay. I actually forgot to include in my previous post payroll and medcicare taxes.[/quote]
That’s the same in other countries. Here’s another graph:
Nobody likes taxes, but equating them to robbery is silly.
Until we can put forth major cuts in money-wasting areas like foreign military bases and the TSA, we have to fund it somehow. Sounds like you should write your congressman and express your dislike for spending on XYZ.