[quote=no_such_reality]Yea, that was my thought. 3 years probation on house.
Granted given up part of the pension probably sucks, but how much pension did he forfeit?[/quote]
He was only mayor for about nine months so I can’t imagine he was even vested in the City pension plan and if he was, he didn’t lose much. I am unaware that a Congressional (Federal) pension has any sort of reciprocity with state and local govm’t pension systems. Even if it was, whatever was going to be added onto his pension due to City service is likely minuscule.
Being convicted of a work-related felony (or pleading guilty to one) is the ONLY way a public servant can lose some or all of their pension.
Filner’s Congressional pension cannot be touched.
I haven’t yet seen the terms of Filner’s probation.