Calif schools also get funding from property taxes, which immigrants, illegal or not, are paying through the homes they lease – part of their rent goes to pay the owner’s property tax.[/quote]
While they might contribute some property tax, California spends $45 billion in general funds, roughly $7200 per pupil. With Federal funding, that rises to $76 billion, that rises to $12,100 per pupil.
I seriously doubt said children’s families are living in $1.25 million dollar homes to cover the cost of a single child. Let alone more than one child or any other services.[/quote]That is correct, NSR. And that ~$4900 for each public school student in CA that the Federal government chips in for is made up of aid from several different agencies, including two forms of it which are very heavily used by daily border crossing students attending US K-12 public schools. Those are the USDA free school lunch and breakfast programs and Title I funding (for schools with a predominately “low-income” student body). Among other teaching materials and aids, Title I funding provides (expensive) ESL materials and specially-qualified instructors who get an additional pay stipend for teaching ESL.