[quote=no_such_reality][quote=SK in CV]I read it. In its entirety. Numerous versions had been available online for more than 6 months. All of the markups were availabe the day after the various committees and conferences approved them. The full bill was available 48 hours before the vote. Anyone that didn’t read it, didn’t make the effort.[/quote]
Oh spare us your hyperbole. The senate bill was 2074 pages of legalize text and formatting. 48 hours, is a rush job to force a vote.
My senator and the people shouldn’t have to cram a bill through in two days.[/quote]
I call bull. Each page has the eqivilent of maybe 1/3 the lines of a paperback novel. With tons of titles and headings. Most of it I’d read before the final version, because it hadn’t changed. Final read through took me less than 4 hours. Everyone knew the vote was coming. If you weren’t prepared, that’s your fault. If your congressional rep wasn’t prepared, vote him out.