For too many, the solution is another program. Obviously, the paramedics should treat the person’s gout in his home. Right?, no. The paramedics shouldn’t be envolved.[/quote]
This is a result of our not having “socialized” healthcare.
How would you treat these patients who have no insurance and no money? Do you suggest that we let them die on the streets? Should we let their bodies rot on the sidewalks, and have private agencies scrape them up after they’re dead? Who will pay for that?
Where do we draw the line? Do we have no responsibility to take care of those who have nothing? How do we prevent them from forcibly taking it from others (because that’s what they’ll do when push comes to shove…see what happens in nations without social safety nets)?
It’s easy to complain, but I have yet to see you or anyone else come up with a reasonable solution that will actually work.
These proposed changes are designed to SAVE taxpayer money, BTW.