Like the cops in the beating to death of Kelly Thomas, they won’t be convicted.
They’ll get away with it because they’ll claim they didn’t drive that rough, that they didn’t think it could kill him, that the driver didn’t know the others didn’t secure him in the vehicle blah blah blah.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
It is simple, you should not die in police custody on the way to jail when you enter custody uninjured.[/quote]
If jury couldn’t convict the cops who killed Kelly Thomas by savagely beating him, cops will not be convicted of a crime except for sexual assault on 20 something female with no record.
In Cleveland trial against cop for shooting 15 more rounds through windshield after no threat is coming to a close. Defendant waived jury trial because did not want to face inner city jury. Expect a walk because excessive force laws are impossible to prove since the laws were likely written by police unions.