Well, after an ultra-quick online perusal, we can start our “study” of the failure of Vallejo with the closed Naval Shipyards as our first “red herring,” the partially-developed “CFD 2002-1” (both comm’l and residential – similar to Liberty Stn in SD).
David Glasgow Farragut founded the Mare Island Shipyard in 1854, and the Navy closed the yard in 1996. During that period, over 500 ships, including nuclear submarines, were built at Mare Island Naval Shipyard.
That’s just ONE massive CFD, created in 2002 on former Federal Govm’t land … Just a start for you to munch on, nsr. Later, I’ll research Vallejo’s council minutes to learn exactly when (not “if”) they “enhanced” their retirement plan and “retiree healthcare benefits,” due to their “newfound riches” from CFD 2002-1 (and other backroom developer deals) lol …..
Keep ’em coming, nsr….I need a city/county who is on the verge of BK who has NOT succumbed to developer “bribes” and initial CFD bond $$ in the last decade.