[quote=no_such_reality]In my personal experience, Trump’s on podium personality is pretty representative of the C-level in business when they drop their PR mask. Bigger companies have a modicum of veneer, but small business lacks even that.
While Fortune 500 C-level is predominantly white and male and individuals may have some racism, I think the issue is they are really more cliquish than racist. best case you get group think, worst case, you’ve got the equivalent of a drunken Frat if you’re lucky and a street gang if you’re not.
The problem isn’t race, the problem is they pick people like them, think like them, behave like them, do sh*t like them and tells stories like them.
It’s the same shitty bar, white, black, latino, asian, male or female.
That’s IMO, YMMV.[/quote]Good post, NSR. And I’d like to add that Donald Trump was raised in Jamaica (Queens), NY. One of the first “real jobs” his father gave him was “managing” his many multi-story, brick behemoth, low-income rent-controlled apt buildings in Queens and Brooklyn (this was prior to the “Section 8” progam). He had to deal with this crowd as well as late rent-payers and even evictions. Even though Trump grew up in privilege and was sent to a military boarding school for HS, he has had plenty of experience in his life successfully interacting with Joe and Suzy 6p and that’s why he understands them so well.
Even though his family had summer homes and weekend homes elsewhere, Trump was raised in the gritty city (Jamaica, NY), which was not exactly considered upper-class (or even upper MC in parts) at that time but was undoubtedly “convenient” for the family biz :=0