[quote=no_such_reality]CAR. Nice hyperbole. It nobody will be dying in the street from gout. More importantly you fail once again to address the real issue which is the sense of entitlement allow said person to call emergency to take them to fill their script. You also fail to address the lack of controls. And desperately needed cold hearted was that will shunt them to wait or alternative care.
If you don’t treat gout ilt will cause problem that will eventually kill you. The individual needs to meet us half way[/quote]
Apparently you missed the point of the article. They are trying to come up with new ways to triage these patients so they don’t use up as many resources (read: taxpayers’ money).
Of course, there are some major liability issues, which is why it’s not being done already.
Also, I’m not sure they are “entitled” as much as they are desperate for help. While many Piggs are blessed with an above-average intellect (among other lucky gifts that none of us “earned,” no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise), not everyone is so lucky. Some people don’t have the skills, intelligence, personality, knowledge, money, etc. that would enable them to navigate around our clusterf**k of a healthcare system. They do the only thing that they know will get them the help they need, and that’s call 911. This article was about trying to find alternatives for them.
And yes, people will end up dying in the streets and will spread diseases if we don’t have a way to deal with them. In case you haven’t noticed, countries without social safety nets and healthcare for the poor tend to have more (and more horrific) diseases, more deaths at younger ages, and higher crime rates. It goes with the territory.