[quote=no_such_reality][quote=CA renter]
And I’m not talking about adding *new* taxes. I’m talking about eliminating the subsidies for landlords, large tract owners, commercial/industrial property owners, etc. that were passed with Prop 13 because THOSE TAXPAYER-FUNDED SUBSIDIES — BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS — SHOULD NEVER HAVE EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Prop 13 broke California,(snip)[/quote]
Since 1978, California’s real GDP per capita grew by 0.97% per annum.
Since 1978-1979 FY, California real government spending sans Federal Funds, has grown by 1.5% per annum per capita.
For the last 30 years we’ve averaged the government growing 50% faster than the economy.[/quote]
I’m not talking about GDP growth. I’m talking about population growth. THAT is what adds more to our social/legal/physical infrastructure burden. And many of these new residents are not contributing as much to the tax base, per capita, as the residents who were already here before 1970. From 1970 to 2010, California’s population grew by almost 87%, and this is only what is officially accounted for. There are probably many “undocumented” immigrants who are not counted in those numbers.
As of 2011, California has the largest minority population in the United States. Non-Hispanic whites decreased from about 76.3 – 78 % of the state’s population in 1970[13] to 39.7% in 2011.[14]