[quote=no_such_reality][quote=CA renter][quote=spdrun]Frankly, in an ideal state, R.E. taxes would approach zero, and all revenue would be from income and sales tax.[/quote]
I tend to agree with that, but only for a single primary residence. For corporations/entities that make their money in RE, it’s appropriate to tax it, IMHO.[/quote]
Wow you guys are completely wrong.
In an ideal and fair world, income taxes would be zero and R.E and property (ASSETS) taxes and sales taxes would pay it all.
in other words, actually tax wealth and consumption, not production.
The tax on consumption, sales tax, is so those that consume their entire production have some skin in the game.[/quote]
Sales taxes and (some) property taxes are regressive. Wealth (property) comes about as a result of income, so I’d prefer to tax it on the front end when it’s earned. Once somebody owns something, it should (generally) not be taxed, IMHO.