No parent can ever relax. We all lvie in fear for our children. My parents used to not watch us liek hawks. We live in a culture of fear today. It is a violent, cruel, ccrazy, dangerous country. We lock each other up, including kids,a nd kill each other, legally and otherwise, at one of the highest rates int he world. it’s a symptom of a sickness. It’s not a sign of a free society. It’s a sign of a mad society. we may not be broke, but we may be broken.
You are watching too much TV and consuming too much Fox News. This country has troubles but we can fix the problems if we work together. Is there crime? Sure. Do bad things sometimes happen to kids? Of course. But you know what? That stuff happened when we were kids too but it wasn’t broadcast 24/7 on MSNBCNN to every state in the nation when a kid got kidnapped or stuck down a well. Things were just as dangerous back then but people were less aware of it. Remember that people didn’t used to wear seatbelts back then and they all smoked like chimneys!