No, I specifically said that other people group unions with government.
From my previous comment on this thread:
[quote=CA renter]
People like to demonize “the government” and rank-and-file union workers as though they are one and the same. They are not.[/quote]
Nobody ever said that unions were public entities that work for the “common good,” outside of the fact that they represent the interests of workers (the common man) and provide a counterbalance to capitalist interests.
In the case of direct government workers, the unions strive to eliminate the middleman (private contractors/corporations) and the profit motive for shareholders and executives, thereby providing better compensation for the people who do the actual work.
And guess who’s leading the attack on unions? The private corporations who stand to benefit from the demise of the unions. They are NOT taxpayer advocates. They are working, as we speak, on new and more “innovative” ways to INCREASE public spending and to enhance the bond market so that governments can more easily borrow MORE money.
And if they succeed in destroying the unions, the only losers will be workers (of all stripes, public and private) and taxpayers. So, unions most certainly represent the common good to a far greater degree than the capitalists who only represent the interests of the wealthy and powerful.
Research the Privatization Movement if you don’t believe what I’m saying. It is very deep, and very dark.