[quote=nla]The original owner moved out about 5 to 6 months ago and then a couple moved in few months. I thought they bought the property (via short sell), but I was suspicious that wasn’t the case. It could be that the bank is renting it out then. Thanks BG.
PS. Yup the original owners are “business” owners. At least that what they said.[/quote]
nla, I just checked sdlookup for any listings/solds on this property and found that it was listed on 8/15/11 as an “approved short sale” in its “current condition.” Current asking price is $425K.
nla, did you see this listing online at the time you revived this thread two days ago? Since it appears from the listing that the original owner still owns it and you say she doesn’t live there anymore, then she must be renting it out and still claiming the HOEX (this is common). The listing shows it was last purchased on 5/30/03 (new) so appears the original owner still owns it. Can any Pigg shed some light on the status of the (re)filed Notice of Sale dtd 8/23/11, Doc No. 2011-0450789? Is this the correct Notice of Sale for this property?
Without having access to the recorder’s records myself, I have no way of really knowing for sure which property was foreclosed on or exactly how many properties this owner “owns” or has “owned,” since she appears to have been merely a “homedebtor” in recent years. This owner has a very common name but the fact that she (and others) use her name by herself in public filings sets her apart from others who use this same name with co-owner(s). The property in which she rec’d an approved modification on 11/28/11 is not the same property that went back to the lender on 10/27/11.
nla, the reason I asked if she had a biz is because the original owner (ONE owner) of this property appears to have at least 2 unreleased FTB liens against her. In my experience, these are usually filed on “business” owners who collect payroll taxes from employee(s) pay but then do not report (or report quarterly, as required by State law) those earnings and thus do not pay any or all of their FICA, Medicare, and Federal and State taxes deducted from their employee(s) pay. This becomes a HUGE problem when the affected employee applies for unemployment insurance after reporting that “business” as one of their employers in the last 6 quarters. Often, the first time the CA EED hears that such an employee has even been hired is when they check these affected former employees’ employment record (for eligibility for UI benefits). If the employee has checkstubs showing they were employed but the EED cannot find the record that they were hired (or all of their payroll withholdings were not forwarded to them), that is when they forward the info to the FTB for collections purposes.
In addition, the subject filed a UCC financing stmt on 6/19/12 and terminated it on 6/18/12 (five years later).
nla, do you know if she (they) are still in business? Are you interested in making an offer on the property? The listing twice referred to it selling as is, in its “current condition.” To me, that’s a red flag that it has gone thru heavy use/abuse and wear and tear (being a fairly new house).