[quote=njtosd]Unless you have a child with a demonstrated thimerosal sensitivity (and I”ve not seen any recorded cases of such), the portion of my text that you bolded doesn’t come into play. BTW, when you are quoting me, please do not add emphasis without noting “emphasis added by CARenter” (or whoever) or better yet, please don’t change my text at all and instead use your comments to express your views. You have sort of changed the meaning of what I said by bolding – as that text describes a very minor exception.
Please see Am. Acad. Of Ped. Summary of vaccine studies showing (among other things) complete lack of evidence of problems with thimerosal or a benefit in stretching schedule of vaccination. But perhaps the AAP is part of a conspiracy against children – you never know …….. https://www2.aap.org/immunization/families/faq/vaccinestudies.pdf
PS when did you buy the non-thimerosal vaccines?[/quote]
1. You don’t necessarily know if your child has a sensitivity to thimerosal.
Though some have indeed shown a sensitivity to thimerosal, it is usually fairly mild and localized.
2. I was agreeing with the portion of your post where you stated that being vaccinated is safer than not being vaccinated. I was just adding, parenthetically, that this was why we went ahead with the vaccinations ourselves. At the time (early 2000s), there were still questions about the safety of vaccines, particularly the combined MMR vaccines and mercury toxicity. It was then that we opted to separate the vaccines and get thimerosal-free vaccines whenever possible (of all vaccines…some were already thimerosal free, and some were not). By the time our youngest was born, in 2005, many/most of the vaccines were thimerosal-free…which I’m sure they didn’t do “just because.”
This is why the scientific community will fight any claims that vaccines cause problems:
“Further, the committee stated that the benefits of vaccination are proven and the hypothesis of susceptible populations is presently speculative, and that widespread rejection of vaccines would lead to increases in incidences of serious infectious diseases like measles, whooping cough and Hib bacterial meningitis.”
Which is how I read what you had said in the portion of your post that I had bolded.
As for bolding your text, the reason I had bolded that portion is because I do NOT like to clip or edit portions of other people’s posts, so tend to include their entire post when I respond specifically so that nothing can be taken out of context. I’ve had Harvey, in particular, absolutely butcher my posts with the clear intention of trying to twist what I’m saying into something completely different, so am very sensitive to having people edit another person’s posts.
I was only responding to the bolded portion (the portion that I had bolded) of your text. It’s is VERY common for posters to do that around here.
I always note when I emphasize text from another (non-Pigg) source, but didn’t do so in this case because your post is just two posts above mine, and I was only referring to that part of your post. I will be sure to clearly state when I am emphasizing any portions of your quotes from this point forward. My apologies for not doing so in this case.