[quote=njtosd]No – it’s worse than that. It shows that there is a relatively large, angry group of Americans who rejected the candidates presented by the party in favor of a crazy person because they do not feel represented by the GOP. God forbid that these people split off to become a separate party. The Republican Party did not support (and actively opposed) Trump just as the Democratic Party did not support (and actively opposed) Bernie Sanders. They are two sides of the same coin (although I like Bernie Sanders better). This election has proven that the main stream candidates do not represent what the people want…..[/quote]
The election, so far at least, proves no such thing. Trump won. Trump won because he represents exactly what the Republican party has been selling for the last 3 1/2 decades. They’ve been selling that government is the problem. That the government is broken. That the government can’t solve problems. And the solution is to get rid of the government. Now they have a candidate who is promising to do just that. That the party elite now run from him is really incidental. The only difference between Trump and at least 1/2 of the other Republican candidates that he beat is subtlety. He says what they’ve only hinted at. They have plausible deniability. He doesn’t. That’s the only difference.
And Sanders didn’t win. Clinton did. Clearly there is support within the Democratic party for significant change. But that support did not extend to the majority of those that voted.