[quote=njtosd]Here’s my concern – let’s say you find out you have a (significant) genetic disease. Do you now have an obligation to disclose that fact when applying for health/life insurance? I have a friend whose mom has huntingtons disease … He doesn’t want to get tested for fear he’ll have to disclose it the results (he has a 50/50 chance). And even if you don’t have health life insurance issues – maybe there are some things you don’t want to know -[/quote]
This is a very important point. In the past, insurance companies could use this information against you. Many doctors have warned their patients about the possibility of getting a “positive” result on a genetic test and how it could affect their ability to get insurance in the future. It sucks, but it’s reality.
Supposedly, Obamacare would largely eliminate this problem for health insurance, but life insurance could still be an issue. We also have to see how Obamacare works going forward, and if any changes will be made regarding pre-existing or genetic disorders.