May I ask your opinion on some specific questions?
1. Do you think a land zoned as agriculture has value growth potential within 2 miles of which there is a luxury customized home community under developing?
2. What kind of zoning is required to develop a golf drive range?
Appreciate your input.
Ag land in any area can have value, but again there are a lot of determining factors. You’ll need to research water costs (along with water rights) and what can be grown on the property (soil tests). If you had a short term goal of putting together some sort of co-op/organic farm for the nearby community, my guess is you could actually create yourself a little niche with the property.
In terms of a golf range, I really can’t help you there (I would guess at some level the property would have to zoned commercial). Do a little research by calling a couple of golf course developers (might only be a couple left in the business) and ask them some questions. I am sure they would help you out. Good luck!