Next came gun registration. This blog was a comparison of Bush and Hitler, but I think it also shows where we are headed under Pelosi’s presidency:
“I think it’s scary that Hitler nationalized the banks, railways, airlines and oddly enough bond insurers. I also think it’s odd that Hitler got into the car business, demanding a car that would be fuel efficient, so as not to take from the war effort. So was born the Volkswagen. He nationalized oil companies, and then coal companies, where engineers developed coal to oil technology to further fuel the war. His Luftwaffe designed an unmanned aerial vehicle, the first jet, and the first ballistic rocket. Hitler also developed the Autobahn, the predecessor to our interstate highway system, meant to deliver massive amounts of troops and equipment across country quickly.”
“As for welfare, our tax rates went up to 80%. Any young couple who got married immediately received a one thousand dollar loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day-care and education was free. Going to college was subsidized, and high school was taken over by the government. Everyone who was entitled to something, whether it was food-stamps, clothing, or subsidized housing, was given it by the government.”
“Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler also said that the real way to catch the criminals (and we still had a few) was by the serial numbers of the guns, so we had to register our guns. Most of the people were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station and registered their guns. Not long afterward, they said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. They already knew who had the guns, so you had to turn them in, or they would come and get them. We knew then that we had a full dictatorship. No more freedom of speech. If you said anything against the government, you were taken away. We knew many people who were taken away, not only Jews, but priests and ministers. It didn’t come overnight, it took five years from 1938 until 1943 to graduate into dictatorship. If we (would have) had a dictatorship overnight, we would have fought to our last breath, but we had creeping gradualism.”