I’m not getting excited about this stuff because it is totally predictable. I don’t think anyone on here really believed that this government would stand by and do nothing with home ownership at around 70%. It is just when they come up with quick fixes that waste valuable tax dollars for short term fixes that is frustrating.
Most of the people trying to make the policies and decisions don’t really know what is going on with the average middle class American. They don’t have friends or family that are getting hurt yet so they know there is a problem but they don’t understand it. Because of this they are working on short term stimulus packages that won’t help fix the real problem.
I believe we are in a massive asset/credit bubble right now and there are many Americans and businesses that are in the 3rd stage of Ponzi borrowing. They can’t service their debt or even the interest on their debt and without easy money and asset inflation they are going under. This is a cycle that was predicted and needs to be worked out of the economy. If we manage to push it off down the road a few years it will only make it that much worse.
As a country what we should be doing is innovating and creating a new industry for our county to lead the world in. I believe that energy and the short supply of it in the future should be this direction. We should be leading the world in solar, wind, geo-thermal, hydrogen fuel cell, etc.
I am too tired to write letters and be pissed at the short sightedness of politicians that are in office for 2-6 years and know they only get re-elected if big business funds their campaigns. When the crises gets so bad and the average American wakes up and gets pissed, we will see change.(if we are lucky) Until we have campaign finance reform and get big business out of the pockets of politicians, I will put my time and energy to more productive activities.