[quote=NewtoSanDiego]There are no viable alternatives to Palin in 2012
We are sick and tired of the McCains, Romney, Bushes. Romney’s Mass healthcare plan was EVEN more liberal than Obamacare. No to Jeb Bush and a Bush dynasty, this is not a monarchy.
The current Republican establishment are liberals in conservative clothes
Many of us Tea partiers are voting Palin or staying home in 2012.
We have been betrayed by the Republican elite.[/quote]
Please tell me that you’re a troll. Please. How in God’s name can you even consider Palin a viable candidate, and in any sense of that word? I’m not an Obama fan by any stretch, nor did I vote for Dubya (either time), but to offer Palin as some sort of honest-to-God alternative is frightening.
She is a self created media machine and has quickly learned how to spin her “personality” into gold. Her politics, such as they are, are nothing other than hot button talking points. If you think there is any substance there, you are sadly mistaken. She has shown, time and again, how completely clueless she is and has no sense of ideology, especially in the truly conservative sense of the word. Alaska is one of the biggest pigs feeding at the gubment trough and you’d better believe Palin, in her capacity as governor, was gorging right there with them.
Being conservative means having a bedrock set of values. She has none of these. None. She’s merely spouting the Agit/Prop rhetoric necessary to get attention and fatten her wallet. If you believe otherwise, then she has done an admirable job of duping you, along with the rest of her acolytes.