[quote=NewtoSanDiego]Looks like Freedomworks is organizing this across a number of cities as a publicity stunt. Hpping to make the nightly news.
Sign the “I’m with Rick” petition and they now have you on their mailing rolls for your life.
Somehow I don’t think they will be organizing any protests against criminally lax regulation by the SEC, or against negligent boards who violated their fiduciary responsibility by approving huge compensation packages to incompetent CEOs/CFOs, etc.
Newt, sit back, relax and watch TV. Be happy that some of your relatives, friends and neighbors are collecting unemployment because this government forgot about the little guy!
We are voicing our opinions that we don’t believe in the current moves our government is making and we don’t believe that socializing is the answer. It’s time to stand up and let people know we aren’t happy. Your posts demonstrate the typical American. Every group and every person is tied to one view or another. The point here is we don’t agree, so free speech allows us the ability to voice our opinion. Don’t complain when your wealth is lost overnight due to the stupidity of our government because you took the stand of being an armchair quarterback.