PS McCain has already been
Submitted by Borat on April 18, 2008 – 11:13am.
PS McCain has already been chosen
Exactly. He will play the dundering grandfatherly president role like Ronnie, while his VP runs everything from behind the scenes like GHWB did. His VP will be either Rick Perry from Texas or Jebbie from Florida. The plan goes like this.
1) McCain gets in with Perry or Jebbie in 08.
2) McCain is given photo ops and kept away from the heavy lifting. He may survive one term or two.
3) When he passes away or finishes out his second term, the VP will run in the “election” and magically win courtesy of Diebold.
The next 12 or 16 years are already mapped out. Get ready for the big show people, we are going to Iran and then on to the main event with Russia and China. Hopefully everyone here is too old to be drafted. One nice thing about living in SD is we will be obliterated in about 100 microseconds during any Russian or Chinese attack, so we won’t have to suffer through the worst of it.
I so do not want this to be true. But it would fall in line with the hard core christian belief that the humans need to bring about armageddon with a third world war to facilitate the second coming of Jesus.
And if you think I am crazy for saying that, look into it. There is a movement.