Please support your statements with data and list it with your post.
I am not an active realtor and use a title service for information. I could find nothing on that address that supports your statement that “La Costa Greens is getting crushed.”
I would really appreciate it if all of us could leave the emotion out of these discussions and simply present our findings. Then each and everyone of us can draw our own conclusions based on what is going on as it pertains to our own particular set of circumstance and locale.
Let’s stop this incessant editorializing and just present the facts. Like Rich states: “In God we Trust. Everyone Else Bring Data.” And I might add, bring enough of it to present a convincing argument that supports your position on any given issue. One or two instances of something happening (or worse, possibly going to happen) does not make it so.
Blanket statements (BS) with no backup are just that, BS.