Naw, Veritas. No names today. It’s okay. 90% of Piggs is always great, very cool. I’m pretty laid back most of the time, focus on work and family.
Have to understand, not ordinary times in our country anymore. The right-wing talk-show thing has gone over the top, partisan, dishonest and irresponsible. Most of the people I know are done with it, no more “bash-the-democrats” business. Not the time. Not during war. Not with everything AT RISK the way it is. Look at the polls, that’s where most of the country is. Enough already.
BTW, I’m completely okay with substantive and honest discussions. Completely okay with people who disagree, so long as they’re not disagreeable. Piggs is usually good because it’s generally more substantive than the talking point nonsense you read elsewhere on the Internet.
Moving on, how about this bailout business? Where do you stand? I’m genuinely conflicted. Risks for systemic meltdown are there. They’re real. But I’m a capitalist, and the bailout is worse than socialism, it’s corrupt and something they’d do in Russia. We’re about to create a nationalized banking system. Amazing. Is there any way to ‘let it crash’ without taking down the broader economy?
Also, I have to say, this whole inflation versus deflation debate is just fascinating, in a sick and macabre sort of way, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow-motion, scientific curiosity to see what happens.
I cast my cards with kewp. Deflation rules the day for now because money supply (created through loose credit) is going up in smoke as we speak, in massive amouts. Down the road, if the economy starts to roll again and employment picks back up, we might see vicious inflation, but right now, I’m thinking “Cash is king.”
OTH, there are a few scenarios out there leading to a dollar crisis. Foreign policy plays a role. Frightening stuff, and serious business. I wonder how many people are just cruising along on auto-pilot, no clue as to the magnitude of the risks we face right now… Just surreal.