[quote=Navydoc]It was that ad featuring the Gavin Newsom speech where he said “This door’s open now! It’s gonna happen, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!”. I have a real problem with an elected official telling me I going to get something whether I like it or not.
I agree with this and I think it was very smart on the YES camp to use that video over and over because it’s very irritating.
Did anyone notice that the NO campaign never had any reference to anything gay or homosexual? I never saw a single ad make reference to it (correct me if I’m wrong). It was all implied. What’s there to hide? Why no gay people in the commercials? Why is there absolutely no reference to gay marriage? I mean, you don’t want to sidetrack a campaign about gay people with gay people? I’m not stupid; I know why they did the ads the way they did. But I felt it was disingenuous. Go ahead and say it’s because the real issue is about rights and discrimination. But you know it’s about rights and discrimination of gay people and it conveniently was never mentioned.