“The agent has to make sure the other agent knows that you’re the guy to close the deal. You as a buyer need to know exactly what you want in a house, your agent needs to understand that, and you need to make up your mind in about 30 minutes upon seeing it.”
=> Your advise is way too much complicated and impratical … a simple way to be just ditch your buyer’s agent and ask the listing agent and seller to “work” directly with you the “Buyer” … that way you wont have the issue of incompetent-buyer’s-agent. Also if you are Savvy enough to make a prudent home-buying decision in just 30 minutes, then it means that you have done your research and Home-Work thoroughly, and quite likly you dont need the Buyer’s Agent.
If you have not done your research and are trying to make one-of-the biggest financial decision of your lifetime in 30 minutes … you are ‘Risking It” big time.