[quote=Myriad][quote=ocrenter]How would you propose a cooperative relationship with the world’s biggest Nazi regime?[/quote]
It’s incorrect to equate China with the Nazi’s. They don’t want to get rid of other types of people, just subjugate them. The government really are just completely scared of Muslims and terrorism, but only second to internal protests.
What China is really trying to do is create a sphere of influence and a tribute system for countries to pay them. As opposed to Nazi’s trying to take over Europe.[/quote]
Key aspect of nazism is the concept of racial hierarchy and the presence of a master race. Another important idea is socialism reshaped by extreme nationalism.
China ascribes to Han Chinese as the master race on top of all racial hierarchy. This is ingrained in the teaching of all Chinese children in school. They are doing everything they can to reach that goal in progressive steps. As for getting rid of people, they want to get rid of other cultures. Chinese have known the power of assimilation is far more effective in the long term than ethnic cleansing. Why do you think so many people think they are pure “Han Chinese” around the world? The plan is to annex Taiwan, the only sinospheric area outside of Chinese control. Once China can control the entire linguistic and cultural sphere (btw, no other country in the world have total control of a linguist and cultural sphere in the world, the ability to control speech and thought would be unprecedented), then onwards to all of the East Asian countries, which China sees as easy target for full assimilation. They also figure SE Asia would be easy prey given these brown countries are already dominated economically by Han Chinese. With full and total control of East and SE Asia, full domination of the world order would be a given.