[quote=Myriad]I don’t think this something either party necessarily could solve. With the end of the Cold War and opening of China, the world had to absorb 500M+ new workers into the global system. That created a gap in the high-wage countries where middle tier and low tier skilled work shifted to those countries.
Now that workforce has more or less been absorbed and the workforce has aged considerably. For example production in China is almost as expensive as the US now, accounting for shipping, energy, insurance, etc. Now with new technology and shift in consumer demand to more immediate needs, I think we’ll see a shift in middle tier skilled labor back to developed economies.[/quote]There you go again, Myriad. The “world” didn’t “have” to “absorb” 500M (Chinese) workers. The “world” doesn’t owe these workers a damn thing! In the case of the US, what actually happened was that our leaders actually gave away our jobs to the Chinese at our expense! Even the “high tier” executive and white-collar professional jobs disappeared along with the US manufacturer-employers who closed up shop in the US and moved to MX or overseas to take advantage of slave labor. It was our OWN esteemed leaders who sold American workers down the river by creating NAFTA and other trade agreements making it possible for our OWN manufacturers to get their goods made for pennies on the dollar in another country! US citizens didn’t really need all this cheap Chinese junk back then and we don’t need it now. America’s millions of displaced workers would rather have a selection of JOBS to choose from in their respective locales rather than regular freight trains loaded with double-stacked Chinese crates barreling through their towns at all hours of the day and night to unload at big box stores coast to coast. One used to be able to leave a job easily and have another one waiting to start in the same locale but this is now near impossible to do in most cities and towns.
Since you couched what happened to millions of American jobs in language which appears to be making excuses here, I don’t mind discussing what really happened. Regardless if a so-called “global `system'” actually exists … or not, we Americans aren’t responsible for China’s population explosion OR their unemployment level.