My son is a single, healthy 30-year old. He has always bought inexpensive health insurance on his own with a high deductible. He pays the first $2000 per year of any medical expenses and 20% of anything over that amount. Very cheap because at his age the insurance company has little risk and competition with other insurance companies forces them to price it low. Also, he shops around when he needs medical service, offers to pay up front, and gets huge discounts when the provider realizes they don’t have to deal with insurance paperwork. In other words, he is dealing in the private sector he has found the right solution for his situation, and puts no burden on others to subsidize his medical needs.
Now, under Obamacare, he will see his costs double or triple because he will have to pay for older, less healthy people. The government is imposing a one-size-fits-all plan upon us rather than letting us pick and chose what best fits our situation. The result is hidden subsidies to some and hidden costs to others. For all you Piggs under 40, and especially those under 30, the coming rate shock will be a wakeup call. Interestingly, the under 30 year olds were those who most likely voted for Obama.