My sister is a nurse who visit clients at their home and one of her client resides in her daughter’s HUGE house in Bonita. The client daughter is a mortgage broker and she told my sister that she haven’t closed a deal in 3 months.
Some observations on my street:
1. One house has been on the market for about 4 months, original price listing is 975K, current asking price is 875K.
2. Another house (same floorplan) has been on the market for about 3 months. Original price listing is 975K. Changed agent few times, current asking price is 879K.
3. A bigger house (about 3,500 sqft) was just listed at 1.1M to 1.2M few weeks ago and was sold in a week (I saw the SOLD sign). This house has mucho upgrade and has bigger lot, pool, gazebo and a view.
4. There were other houses that went for sale but were taken off the market after several months. Either there were no offers or the seller were not getting the desired price.
Also several blocks from me is the Davidson new developmet (Atrium). When they opened, the houses are all 1M and above. Now, they’re selling in the high 900K and above.
BTW, I live in the newer neighborhood of Eastlake.