My primary gripe with public sector employees
1. salary for university presidents
2. policemen/firefighters abusing overtime rules
3. salaries for prison guards
I would like pensions replaced with lump sum payments for employees while they retire.
health care benefits for retirees has to go. Governments cannot afford it. Plus why provide it when you have Medicare ?
Sales Engineers make more money than development engineers. They get fired quite often too.
My 401k match works out to an average of $2000-$3000 per year. I have had generous 401k matches. I know people who get nothing in the way of company matches from 401k plans. I have made a grand total of 10k on employee stock purchase plans/stock options over the past 7-8 years.
Stock options in public companies are dead given the new accounting rules for stock options. You can try a startup.
The investment options for a lot of govt employee 403b) plans suck. The union reps who negotiate these options are either idiots or being bribed by salespeople who sell these useless financial products. These are the kind of things that make my blood boil. On one hand government employees complain that they are underpaid.
I studied at a UC campus. The good thing about UC job is that you can leave @ 5 pm. There is something to be said about it. There is some fat on UC campuses. It is not too bad.
promotion in the corporate world is a double edged sword. plenty of middle managers have been axed in corporate downsizing of the past 20 years.