My primary concern with gas prices is how it affects those that can least afford to pay it.
Jficuette-I have been following this issue for a few years now and what the peak oil community has been saying and predicting is now coming true right when they said it would.
It’s nice that you are concerned for people but where were you years ago? I’ve been posting on this site for like 18 months on this issue and I get marginalized as a “chicken little”
Poor Roscoe Bartlett has been doing presentations on this in congress for like 5 years and nobody goes to it.
The Government has done studies on this in the 50s, 70s and back in 05. Google Hirsch report. All pointing to a peak between 2005-2015
World oil supply is peaking as every well and region does. All that drilling will do is line the oil industries pockets in the future and have a negligible effect on prices in the future.
Speculation discussion is silly and a monumental DISTRACTION when the FUNDAMENTALs are what they are.
If anybody is interested in a good information on this issue here are some sites.
These price increases are nothing compared to what they will be when we fall off the plateau we are on now. Which looks like it could start within the next 18 months.
“The peaking of world oil production presents the U.S. and the world with an unprecedented risk management problem. As peaking is approached, liquid fuel prices and price volatility will increase dramatically, and, without timely mitigation, the economic, social, and political costs will be unprecedented. Viable mitigation options exist on both the supply and demand sides, but to have substantial impact, they must be initiated more than a decade in advance of peaking.”-Hirsh
Retired geologist Colin Campbell (Texaco, BP, Amoco) cautioned:
Throughout history, people have had difficulty in distinguishing reality from illusion. Reality is what happens, whereas illusion is what we would like to happen. Wishful thinking is a well-worn expression. Momentum is still another element: we tend to assume that things keep moving in the same direction.
The world now faces a discontinuity of historic proportions, as nature shows her hand by imposing a new energy reality. There are vested interests on all sides hoping somehow to evade the iron grip of oil depletion, or at least to put it off until after the next election or until they can develop some strategy for their personal or corporate survival. As the moment of truth approaches, so does the heat, the deceptions, the half-truth and the flat out lies.
My prediction is that with each uptick in oil price will be associated with an equivalent increase in delusional thinking.