My point is – there are many nice areas. However, not all of those areas have top-rated schools. (Clairemont is not one of the nicer ones. I just point it out because I’m “Clairemont guy” on this board and it offers space – room to breathe at low cost. My neighbors’ houses are 25 feet from my house on either side.) The others I listed, however, are nice parts of town. They just aren’t in the “top school” zones because they are in the SD district.
North PB is a nice part of town, too – where PB starts turning into La Jolla. I call it “where the ritzy meets the ditzy.”
So, if you don’t need a top-rated school district for 10 years, why pay for it ? A better way to preserve capital is to keep the money. A bad way is to buy something you don’t need while hoping it doesn’t depreciate too much.
If you don’t golf, you wouldn’t pay the premium to
live on the golf course, would you ?
If you dont ski, you wouldn’t pay to live right on the slopes ?
So why pay the school premium 10 years early ?
I say find a nice area that doesn’t force you to pay that “nice school” premium until you absolutely have to pay that premium. That’s all I’m sayin’
The parking lots at CV shopping centers are so ridiculously crowded, I just can’t stand it. My wife couldn’t imagine having to deal with that daily.