My personal experience with this group tells me that “Millenials” do NOT want to commute to their jobs and do NOT want to do yard work in their “spare” time.
This doesn’t bode well for the future marketability of SFR’s located on largish lots in the exurbia stix.
One thing I CAN say positive about this group is that they appear to have employers eating out of their hand because they are not afraid to VOTE WITH THEIR FEET! It matters NOT that unions are not the stronghold they once were!!
Boomers kept their heads down and stood in single file as “yes-men and women,” typically spent a good portion of the day on “required” brown-nosing, adhered religiously to all the internal rules and regulations and gave the appearance of cheerful acceptance of being docked vacation hours/minutes by their employer for coming back late from lunch. OTOH, Millenials have no problem routinely demanding job-sharing, flex time, copious leave without pay, loose-and-casual dress code (no pantyhose and ties in this group), headphones in their ears constantly, answering cellphones and texting on the clock, etc. If their employer doesn’t like their “idiosyncrasies,” the “millenial employee” will simply follow through in voting with their feet and employers are well aware of this.
I gotta hand it to the “Millenial set.” They have employers eating out of their hands, regardless of talent, skills or punctuality, because to replace the ones who “vote with their feet” with an experienced Boomer who needs a job will cost the employer dearly in the form of 3-4 times the health care premium of a Millenial. Especially in a biz with =< 50 employees. Yes, even if a Boomer with 35+ years experience in the field will work for "Millenial wages," they are still perceived to cost too much money to today's employer.