My husband was still in school when we got married and I had just started working in a “real” job. We bought an inexpensive diamond in a platinum setting (about $1200) which I probably end up paying for technically since we shared expenses.
After we had been married several years and were more financially stable, I went back to the same jeweler, had him place a larger diamond in the setting, and paid for it myself (I make significantly more money than my husband).
I am not much of a jewelry-wearer so this is really my only valuable piece of jewelry and the only thing I own (besides the wedding band). I like it, my husband understands that I didn’t really care what the “symbolic” ring looked like when we got engaged, but that if I am going to wear jewelry it is going to be the jewelry I want to wear. We have been married 13 years now. And I do enjoy shopping, so I may not be typical of the Pigg females.