My direct comment to JG was too harsh and I apoligize.I am sure you are not deficient in love for your family,sorry.
About the “Study” I blew off. If you want to say that enlistees are better off than the non-college bound individuals they leave behind when they join the military, from the areas they are coming from, that might be possible. In my post where I said that enlisted people come from mostly broken families and impoverished areas I could have explained better. I mean as compared to officers and the nation as a whole including hte college bound. Sure if an area is blighted the non-college bound with some get up and go might leave the less ambitious at home and join the military. I am not crazy about a million studies because too many have bias. Often times when a study or amazing story comes to me from a christian it is being regurgitated from some phoney paid circuit speaker in the church.Like your story of the two boys who were raised equally but one becomes a murderer proving that evil people are born that way.Generally these stories are flimsy on educated review. I don’t trust polls,from almost any source,that say the enlisted military is doing great, are all the cream of the crop ect. I think they are designed to whitewash the fact that so many underpriveleged men get slaughtered compared to those from better situations. Anyone who gives a shit knows what is happening.Your report admitted that in eras of war the branches of the military had to make “lower standards” to get volunteers. That tells the story right there.
Have a good day and know that Rustico wishes the best for you and your family.That goes for all you “LIBS” too.:).
Oh well, one more parting shot.
“what I found to be his most compelling proof for God was that, as you said, most peoples and societies do value, and abhor, the same things. There ARE universal mores, it seems to me.”
Slightly modified discussion on CS Lewis obsrvations.
What I found to be his most compelling proof for a divine monkey was that,as you said, most monkeys and monkey societies do value,and abhor, the same things. They are universal mores,it seems to me. I have never met one monkey that didn’t like bananas or who succeded at forming a social group fundamentally different than social groups of monkeys from the same species.
Suggested reading “The Naked Ape” by Desmond Morris
Anyway the point of my sarcasm is not really that we are primates. What you have posited is as weak as any proof I have ever seen JG. Of course from there it is just a small step from there to your personal mythology being HIS word, as if God speaks or something. Why does an otherwise bright man allow his logic to go to the garbage when he is making proofs of God? Could you imagine if we came to blog and used a flimsy proof like that for real estate going up forever.
Kind of funny I have had these conversation with Christians before….never in writing. Amazingly enough it apparently makes no difference. I always thought maybe they weren’t able to grasp what I was saying because I talked too fast or something. But here it is in writing and it has the exact same effect. nada,nil,zilch! Just amazing! I amstartingot experience the talking ot a brick wall syndrome again. The least you could do JG,is from here on out to say…”I believe because I want to, not because I have any proof. My particular mythology helps me and thats as far as it goes.” BTW I am not an atheist. I simply don’t care wether GOD exists or doesn’t because we are not even close to knowing how this all works. Someone smarter than me will bring that knowlege out if it ever happens. Meanwhile I have got us to believe in or not.