My Compaq laptop was made in China and shipped directly to me via DHL. It was cheap and it’s a great machine.
I wouldn’t worry much about labor in China.
I have my theory about made in Asia products.
Assuming the same quality of materials and parts, Asians have svelte fingers so they can do precision work well. The clothes made in Asia are always stitched better. On the other hand, some of the uniforms made in America are “gross.”
Compare the fit of a Toyota to that of a Chrysler.
Germans cars drive better than Japanese cars… But the reliability and finish is much less. I’m talking about “finesse.” German cars have solid doors but the stamping and gaps between panels are lacking.
I believe that workers with stumpy fingers can do brute work but don’t do well at precision fitting. That’s why Japanese cars made in America are not as good are the ones made in Japan.
Back in the late 80’s, I worked for an electronics manufacturer in Orange County. The Asian workers would out-perform Hispanic and White workers. Asians could assemble more, faster, better. We didn’t have many Black workers.