My advice for parents of high schoolers is to push them to take AP English or Math as a senior (and earn at least a “C” in both courses all year) if they don’t score high enough in their CAHSEE in these areas as a junior.
correction: the EAP is the test taken by CA high school juniors to assess their readiness to take university-level English and Math, NOT the CAHSEE (also a required exam taken by high school juniors):
Sorry for the error. Seriously, there is so much bureaucracy at the CA high-school level for students these days that I’m so grateful to be finally done with it.
Also, I stated above that incoming CSU freshmen could NOT take their English and math remediation courses at their local CC. I checked into this when my last kid sat for their ELM/EPT in January of this year (just in case) and the two CSU campuses my kid was admitted to would not accept remediation courses from our local CC (SWC). It depends entirely on which CSU campus your kid will accept an admission offer from and which CC your kid is planning to remediate at prior to CSU enrollment. The decision is entirely up to the particular CSU campus and should be obtained in writing before your kid attempts to enroll in English and math remediation courses at a CC.
The EPT cannot be repeated and the ELM can be repeated, although not in the same month (in SD, they are given at SDSU). The best case scenario is for your kid not to have to sit for them in the first place (be “exempt”).