“Anonymous said…
Thanks for the good story. I live in California and know a neighbor who did exactly what you are reporting about. Only in this case, the wife quit claimed her name off the property. Her income was NOT REQUIRED to buy their house.
I have done this before (wife purchases house). My wife has a high FICO, and I make twice the income with almost zero FICO score. Why? I own my own business with NO DEBT, no plastic, lots of savings. FICO scores measure how you pay back DEBT. If you have NO DEBT, you have no FICO. I don’t care about a bad credit report, since I am not a debtor ie no loans no plastic. The lender required us to have both names on the mortgage even though only one of us bought it. Credit scoring is a scam to encourage people to go into debt. We are both savers, and Realtors, mortgage lenders and banks HATE SAVERS—because we don’t give them our hard earned money.
Once the QUITCLAIM document was filed with the County recorder. The husband placed a notice in the newspaper stating he was solely responsible for the mortgage. In the mean time, the wife found a suitably priced house and bought it using only her credit information. ONLY SHE WAS THE BUYER. The husband gets the bad credit (He does not care since he has NO OTHER DEBT and NO CREDIT), the wife buys a new house. It looks perfectly legal to me. Since SHE was the one buying the house, she did not lie. If she wanted her “deadbeat” husband to move in with her thats her problem. LOL ROFL.
They told me the loan company did not care–they had 20% to put down on the house. ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY – NOT MORALITY!”