More good economic news from the Trump economy that liberals should be cheering.
The Labor Department just reported a jump in jobs of 312,000 for the most recent month, plus an upward revision of 58,000 for the previous month.
Importantly, the employment numbers under Trump seem to be helping the poorest of Americans.
The lowest-paid employees are getting the largest wage hikes.
419,000 people got off the sidelines and joined the labor force. So previously “out of the work force” individuals started looking for a job (thus pushing up slightly the official unemployment rate).
Wage gains in 2018 were 3.2%, largest in a decade.
Job “leavers”–voluntary quits, jumped again, indicating workers’ confidence they can readily find a new job.
There is increasing evidence that the tight job market is forcing employers to hire previously shunned applicants–the less educated, minority, ex-felon applicant with a weak resume and job history.
Trump the liberal.