Monsanto and their ilk have completely captured the legislative and executive branches. I read somewhere that the frankenfood industry has spent $500 million on lobbying since the year 2000.
The only way we will be able to beat back the purveyors of frankenfoods is to fight them in the courts. You can donate to the legal battle through this link:
To those of you who think frankenfoods are going to feed the world, give me a break. Monsanto and other frankenfood purveyors don’t give a rat’s about feeding starving people in poor countries because those people don’t have any money. Monsanto only cares about collecting a tax from every farmer and everyone who can already afford to eat.
There is also no safety testing of frankenfoods and no labeling which would enable consumers to choose. Monsanto creates frankenfoods by using the e.coli virus to penetrate the cell walls which allows introduction of the frankengeneticmaterial. Does that sound safe or sound like something you want to eat?
You can either LOL! like the lamo original poster who started this thread while corporate America continues their raping spree or you can donate to the fight that will be taking place in the one branch of government that hasn’t been completely bought off by special interests.