as always as its all about the economy (which needs to be put in context)
For those that don’t know economic warfare (over crude) was the Reagan administration’s strategy to hastened the collapse of the USSR. At the time the CIA chief was William Casey and what he brought to the table was an econ background.
Basically history shows after the USSR invaded Afghanistan, the US military didn’t respond directly but instead the USA used a thousand cut strategy. On the political side we saw Thatcher, Pope John Paul II, Lech Walesa, and untold others pressure the Soviet Union from many sides. On the economic battle front, the CIA plan put the squeezed on the USSR by getting the KSA to ramp up oil production which drove down global prices (AND under cut the cost to produce oil in the USSR).
Because the USSR did not produce any products the west wanted (other than oil), the CIA strategy was brillant in than it forced the USSR into bankruptcy since they could not afford to buy guns and butter.
This economic warfare strategy helped the US export economy as well because the KSA had lots of cash from oil sales, this allowed them to by expensive weapons systems like the AWACS and F15s. The US domestic economy was booming as well, with cheap gas prices consumers bought lots of low mileage SUVs produced by US auto makers.
As I see things NOW, the various PTB (USA, EU, Russia, KSA, Iran, etc.) are using the old CIA playbook to try and economically screw the other players in an UN-orchestrated clusterfuck
said another way, in a world now tied together via trade, the various global players players are all trying to figure a way out of this mess where too much “credit” money is trying to find return in a world with too much production capacity and not enough demand by “credit” worthy counter-parties…