[quote=moneymaker]I started thinking about everyone I know and it seems that everyone is addicted to something, except my mom. Sister is addicted to wine, brother is addicted to swimming, son is addicted to video games, wife is addicted to religion, my dad was addicted to smoking and coffee before he passed, I’m addicted to coffee and my wife would probably add beer to the list but I will only admit to the coffee being a habit that would be difficult for me to break. If I did break that addiction I’m pretty sure it would be replaced by another addiction, perhaps more beer or sex.[/quote]I’ve tried mightily to drink a variety of teas in the morning instead of coffee but it’s just not the same. I always go back to my Starbucks Morning Joe or Espresso. I’m really spoiled now because I can’t even drink the (much less-expensive) Yuban out of a can anymore which I did for several decades. Drinking 2-4 travel mugs of coffee daily is my “guilty pleasure.” I don’t care for the sweetened “foo-foo coffee” that much (ex: lattes at SB). I just like the darkest coffee possible plain or with a little milk made in my own coffeemaker, which filters tap water :=0