[quote=moneymaker]I don’t know anything about Blackstone. Was at a new building lately though and had to ask who was in charge, well seems hardly anyone there spoke english. so so much for money going to hard working skilled Americans.[/quote]
That’s here in SD, MM. I don’t believe Blackstone has entered the CA market yet or if they even plan to.
Other states (much further from the int’l border) don’t have a never ending supply of workers who can live cheaper across the border and work cheaper, like SD does.
Their video was showing “Americans” doing the rehab work.
Just because the local worksite you visited didn’t have English-speaking workers, that doesn’t mean their foreman can’t speak English, nor does it mean they don’t have a legal right to work here. CA gen’l and subcontractors are “supposed” to file an I-9 on all their workers at the time of hire.