[quote=moneymaker]I am alright with legalizing all drugs. To me it is the government trying to interfere with personal choice. If you think about it there is not a whole lot of difference between drugs and herbs, yet herbs are not regulated at all. Hold people accountable for their actions and stop micro managing with laws that are selectively enforced. Alcohol and tobacco probably kill more people than any of the illegal drugs. We already have way too many people in prison, we have 50% more people in prison than China even though there population is 10 times bigger. P.S.- Like FlyerInHi I have never done any illegal drugs, my recruiter never believed me, I’m sure I’m one of the few.[/quote]
Pharmaceutical drugs are one of the biggest problems. Ask anyone who deals with OD patients, and you’ll hear that “legal” drugs are some of the worst…right up there with heroin and meth.