[quote=mixxalot]I see a lot of wild speculators from China driving up markets in California especially in Irvine, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Palo Alto. Inland is much less expensive for example same house in Point Loma or Del Mar can be bought for half price at like 400-500K versus 2MM. If you are willing to live 20 miles from the beach that is. My goal is buy a cheaper inland property for 500K and have a fun sailboat in a nice marina and be able to enjoy both worlds.[/quote]
mixxalot, your idea is doable, especially if you already own your sailboat and don’t have to buy one (new or used). There are a couple of things you should bear in mind, however.
In SD, a slip for a 30’+ sailboat costs over $700 month.
In SD County, you CAN find a property in Lakeside, EC or Esco (20+ mi east of the ocean) to trailer your 30+ foot sailboat to and park it on the premises. HOWEVER, these properties will very likely cost you at $575K++ unless you’re okay with buying a very heavy fixer and rehabbing it as time and money permit. There are a few of these properties still out there but they are getting further and fewer between.
And don’t forget to factor in at least an additional $750 year for A/C for the hot months as well as any additional daily commute time (and gas) those locations create for you.
If I were you and had this goal, I’d look for a place I could park my own boat/RV ASAP (with at least a 15 x 40 extra parking space (at a minimum and preferably behind a fence). They aren’t going to get any cheaper … regardless of condition. You don’t want to be at the mercy of boat slip rent hikes out on the bay while simultaneously having to pay monthly homeowner-related bills (which you are not yet paying?), IMO. After you get your *new* place livable, THEN you can buy that sailboat (if you don’t already own one).